Web Interface
The Web Interface tab within the Project view contains various settings relating to the Web Interface of the project.
Properties for both the Default web interface and Custom Web interfaces can be accessed from here.
Custom Interface Theme
These settings can be used to customise the default web interface where a simple rebranding is required.
The theme of the Default web interface is defined by a CSS file, based on the Bootstrap environment. This can be overridden by a user created CSS file.
The CSS style could be a Bootstrap theme, such as those available from Bootswatch, or a simple custom written CSS file to style the web interface, utilising web browser inspection tools.
The favicon an icon associated with a particular website, typically displayed in the address bar of a browser accessing the site or next to the site name in a user's list of bookmarks. can be specified using the Import button. This will prompt you to search for an image file to add to the project.
A favicon is generally 16 x 16 px, so can't contain much detail.
Once set, you will need to upload the project to see the change.
Within the web interface a logo is displayed. Typically this will be the Unison Mosaic logo, but this can be changed to any image imported into the project.
Once set, you will need to upload the project to see the change.
Custom Certificate
It is possible to access the controller's web interface using a secure connection (HTTPS and WSS).
A custom SSL certificate may be installed. If a DNS record has been setup for the controller's IP address then this allows a certificate for the domain from a trusted Certificate Authority (CA) to be used. Web browsers will automatically verify a certificate from a CA. If no certificate is set, the controller will use a self-signed certificate for HTTPS connections to the web server. Some network setups can have issues with self-signed certificates, so if your installation is affected, adding a trusted certificate can remove these issues.
Custom Web Interface
See Custom Pages for details.
Custom Command Line Parser
Choosing "Parse command line submissions as Lua Commands" will automatically run commands entered into the command line as Lua trigger scripts, otherwise an additional parser script is required, see Command Line for details.
Web Interface Access
This feature has been deprecated in 2.9. Please see Device Configuration for details on the new system that has replaced it.